Visitors' Center
Welcome! This page is for recent visitors or anyone who is planning to visit us. We aim to help answer a few basic questions that you may have and give a bit of direction for your next visit. Feel free to explore this page for weekly service times, for key dates and upcoming events, please visit our Events page. Also, feel free to contact us if you have any other questions about services or other inquiries about us. Our friendly staff will be sure to get back with you in a timely fashion.
What are Services Like?
Visitors can expect a family atmosphere upon arrival. At Mount Zion, education and practical living are among important values. Visitors will be uplifted and refreshed by the soulful sounds from the Hammond B3 organ and hopefully always walk away knowing something new. We have a planned order of events with the understanding that our plans are subject to change according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Mount Zion family welcomes individuals as they are, free of judgment and discrimination, and invite them to worship with us as we grow spiritually.